Mater Academy Preparatory

Date Approve:June 13, 2024

Child Find Policy

It is the School’s policyto assist the State of Ohio in identifying, locating, and evaluating allchildren who may have disabilities that may be hindering their ability to receive Free andAppropriate Public Education(FAPE).The School iscommitted to affording all children theirright to a free and appropriate education, regardless of any disability a child may have.

The School aims toidentify disabilities such as autism, deaf-blindness, hearing impairment,including deafness, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other healthimpairment, traumatic brain injury, and/or visual impairment including blindness.

The School encourages parents, guardians, relatives, public and private agency employees, andconcerned citizens to help schools find any child, birth through age 21, who may have adisability and need special education and related services. The School will contact the parents orguardians of the child to find out if the child needs to be evaluated. Free testing is available tofamilies to determine whether or not a special need exists. If a need is identified, the child canbegin receiving special education and related services.


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