Mater Academy Preparatory, Inc.

Board of Directors

Andy Farber, President

Carrie Montano, Vice President

Nhan Trinh, Treasurer

Victoria Larrauri, Director

Jon Yarger, Director


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Mater Columbus, a public charter school, will conduct a public meeting as stated below. The public is invited to attend. Pursuant to O.R.C. 121.22, all notices of the meetings of the school’s Governing Board of Directors will be posted electronically on this website. This website is publicly accessible 24 hours a day, Sunday – Saturday. Attached hereto is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Unless otherwise stated, the Board Chairperson may
1) take agenda items out of order;
2) combine two or more items for consideration; or
3) remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion related to an item.
Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically handicapped persons desiring to attend or participate at the meeting. Any persons requiring assistance may contact Idin Pirasteh at  two business days in advance so that arrangements may be conveniently made.

Options to Address the Board / Provide Public Comment:
1. Members of the public are provided the opportunity to provide a written statement to the Board Members. Such statements shall be sent via-email to  at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting. Any comments received shall be shared with the Board of Directors and shall be filed as part of the official meeting records.

2. Members of the public may address the Board during Public Comment. Speakers will have a maximum amount of time (3 minutes) to speak at the discretion of the Board Chair. The Board will not address the presenter or take action at this time. “Board Speaker Forms” shall be submitted via email up to 24 hours prior to the meeting to
 or in person the day of the meeting, prior to the meeting being called to order (if in physical attendance). Please note that members of the public who wish to attend virtually and address the board, must submit their Board Speaker form at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting to ensure receipt.  
In compliance with O.R.C. 121.22, all notices of the meetings of the Governing Board of Mater Columbus will be posted at least 10 days before a board meeting on this website. Such notices will indicate the date, time, and place of the meeting and will include an agenda. 
** In an effort to allow greater public participation and to best accommodate stakeholders, these meetings shall be held via communications media technology (virtually). Members of the public are invited to attend physically at the schools or virtually. For information on how to attend virtually, please contact
  • Thursday, March 13th at 12:30 EST 
    • 5085 Reed Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43220
    • Notice: See file below.
    • Agenda: 
    • Minutes: 
    • Support Materials: 


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